Meaning of (के बावजूद) ke bavajood,ke bavajud in english
As noun : in spite of Ex: Petersburg up, in spite of repressions.
notwithstanding Ex: His scientific fame notwithstanding over Ex: The plane passed over Damascus undaunted by with Ex: These forces combined with others for all Ex: Grass is fodder for all Cattle. despite Ex: There was a great despite among them. in the teeth of Ex: Screw endless spiral threaded metal rod, which, being fixed, engages in the teeth of a wheel that is moving
Suggested : the whole of (used in referring to quantity, extent, or duration) accompanied by accompanying above in place or position in spite of without being opposed or prevented by a malicious, usually petty, desire to harm, annoy, frustrate, or humiliate another person bitter ill will malice
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Usage of के बावजूद:
1. AUSvsPAK टेस्ट: रिकॉर्ड बनाने के बावजूद इतिहास रचने से चूका पाकिस्तानlivehindustan.com2. 500-1000 रुपये के पुराने नोट बंद होने के बावजूद राजनीतिक पार्टियों को पुराने नोटों को बैंकों में जमा करने कर इनकम टैक्स नहीं लगेगाlivehindustan.com3. टीम दुनिया के सात बड़े देशों में क्रेडिट और डेबिट कार्ड, ई-वॉलेट, बिटकॉइन की मौजूदगी के बावजूद नोट का चलन बढ़ा है
(के बावजूद) ke bavajood,ke bavajud
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
ke baavajuuda